Skin-loving ingredients that will protect the skin

Healthy skin can help you look and feel good, and a smart skin care routine is essential for achieving a clean, radiant complexion. Despite the seemingly endless array of products, tools and treatments, healthy skin care routines need not be complicated.
Everyday soaps can be harsh and irritating, so choose a cleanser that suits your skin type and Find something that respects your skin’s normal pH balance and does not damage its natural protective barriers. Especially if your skin is oily, choose one that is specially formulated to prevent pores and that regulates sebum oil. Try Cetaphil Oily Skin Gentle Cleanser.
If your skin is dry, apply moisturizer while the skin is still moist. It helps to trap moisture and keep your skin soft and smooth. You may think that oily skin does not need moisturizer, if you feel that you have too much oil then you need to moisturize – even oily skin .There may be a shortage. Just be sure to use a non comedogenic formula, as this means it is specifically designed not to close the pores.
Sunscreen is not just for hot days. Regular use of sunscreen can help prevent free radicals from UV rays, which can damage the skin and cause aging. Although SPF 15 is the minimum price you need for daily protection, sunscreens that have an SPF of 30 (or more) provide even better protection, and if you are exposed to the sun Spending a lot of time is the best choice.
Make sure you look for products with broad spectrum UV protection to protect you from both UVA rays (which cause aging) and UVB rays (which cause sunburn). And remember, while water resistance helps ensure that your sunscreen doesn’t wash off (or sweat off), prolonged sun exposure requires a second sunscreen support and to be sure to read the label and follow the instructions for reapplying.
Using a moisturizer before going to bed helps keep your skin hydrated overnight, and will help your skin feel balanced and smooth when you wake up to face the world. Using a night moisturizer can help you take advantage of natural skin repair methods that are more effective at night. A nourishing night cream protects against overnight drying.
Don’t ignore your peers in your skin care routine. The skin around the eyes is more delicate and thinner than the rest of your skin, and the use of eye gel or cream before going to bed at night helps to hydrate, brighten and smooth the eye area, and the lines and dark circles.
Although your face may be something you look in a mirror, don’t ignore your body. Because we hide most of the day, the skin on your arms, legs, back and trunk tend to be a second priority – but it can also be dry and irritating.
Be sure to use a mild body wash, and make it a habit to moisturize immediately after taking a shower or bath. Try our new line of soft body washes that are fragrant, refreshing and soothing.